

“Taper Madness”…..apparently its a real syndrome whereby athletes loose their sanity while sitting idle waiting for race day.  I was not prepared for “taper madness”, no one warned me about it!!!  Heck, I’m not sure that I had even heard the term “taper madness” before a couple of you mentioned it in the comments of my last post.  I have heard that some people get a little stir crazy during marathon tapers, but, this is ridiculous!  I am driving my self bat-s&#t crazy! 

I’ve made my packing list, and fighting the urge to actually pack until Thursday night at the earliest.  But I did send the hubs on a scavenger hunt in Charlotte for my beloved Yankz today….but he ended up with Lace Locks.  I guess they will do (silent grrrrrr to myself!)  See anything on the list I don’t really need or that I’m missing?????

IMG_4841I had planned to ride an easy 10 miles on the trainer today just to move my legs a little a burn off some frustration, but I’m thinking I might not now.  My sweet, darling, little 3 year old angel has now become my germ infested, snot factory, little petri-dish.  She was blessed with my genetic predisposition to seasonal allergies, and the yellow cloud of pollen has descended upon the South.  She started with a runny nose this weekend, which I dismissed as allergies.  But now that innocent runny nose has turned into a THICK YELLOW/GREEN runny nose and cough.  At lunch today I got a slight twinge of scratchiness in the back of my throat, I tried to ignore it….maybe I am hallucinating due to “taper madness” but now the pressure has spread to my sinuses, the unmistakable sign of either head cold or beginnings of sinus infection.  I promptly took a dose of Zyrtec in case this is just allergies, chugged a couple bottles of water to help flush my system and downed some Airborne.  Hubs swears by it, but I really don’t believe that crap works, but I’m willing to do anything!  Even though I am not feeling full-force SICK, I think I will take it easy today, maybe take the dog for a walk at most.


I’m also eating like a horse, and for no good reason other than I just don’t have the will power to say no to that insanely rich dark chocolate cake in the fridge.  Seriously, I need to throw it out before I eat the entire thing….single handedly. 

IMG_4843I am also having trouble sleeping, irritable, short tempered, and feeling a little down in the dumps.  All normal, so I have heard, for tapering athletes.  This is an awful feeling!

Am I driving you all crazy too?????  Ya’ll are probably as ready as I am for this race so I will just shut up about it!!!!!

9 responses to “>Uh-Oh………

  1. >Woot for race week! All normal taperworm symptoms my dear. Hang in there, you'll be great!

  2. >I just want to take a fork and lift all that frosting off that cake and into my mouth.hang in there. you'll do awesome.

  3. >I've had the taper madness!!You're going to be great at your race, don't worry!

  4. >Ugh–hope you feel better!! Adrenaline is a cure all right? So, is that cake! Delish!!Coach was growing the rally 'fro last season, but the staches made headlines this season! he he!

  5. >Oh man! I feel ya! The lists I made constantly for my first half marathon were crazy! I couldn't think of ANYTHING but running and since I couldn't always run I would just write down anything and everything. What to pack. What my pace should be. Where the water stops were. I was list obsessed!

  6. >Hey woman!!! Oh, you know us readers, we'd KILL for a good race recap!!! 😉 I'm your newest follower so I'll be keeping up with you!Check out my blog to help with your tapering @ http://feetdominatingpavement.blogspot.com Cheers!!!

  7. >Good luck on the race. You got a good list going. I know your missing something, I just can't think or what. kidding.

  8. >I always bring an extra water bottle with me that I put in my transition area to spray on my feet and clean them off. When you run out of the water you get lots of sand and other crap on your feet – not very comfortable in your shoes. Also, I didn't see it but bring a towel or something to sit your stuff out on your transition are – it helps you just see it better I think.

  9. >Everyone is getting sick this week!! Grr. Keep up the rest and fluids, a snotty face will not affect your race. And yes, taper madness is very very real and unexpected. Fun times.

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